The first club tournament was well supported, with 9 pairs playing in the
handicapped Round Robin event. New members
Ann Price, Clare Turnstill and Rob Pering joined club
regulars in an enjoyable evening. It was a very
close final, with Hilary Herd & Rob Pering beating Clare
Turnstill & Harry Williams by a single point.
Over thirty people turned up for this feast of chilli-con-carne and
questions. Six teams battled bravely through ten testing rounds,
and such was the quality of the of the assembled anoraks that only
nineteen points separated the first team from the last. Winners
were the über-competitive and extremely noisy Quintet, despite claiming
that Portland Bill was either the bloke who invented cement, or an
isthmus. (Its a lighthouse.) The restrained and courteous
Devon Dumplings brought up the rear - there's no justice, is
there? Thanks to all who contributed with prizes for the raffle,
bought raffle tickets, or simply turned up. Special thanks go to
Graham and Debbie Baker, and to Linda McCracken for organizing the
Rumour has it that, to complement the range of dishes from the
Indian sub-continent offered by Sidmouth Tandoori, someone consumed
a whole box of Roses chocolates. Another version suggests it
was a bottle of Rosé wine. Obviously, because neither story
has been substantiated, I cannot reveal who it was.
Hope your knee is much better, Debbie.
Excellent support from club and visiting players (in two sets of
10) made for a lively competition. In the final, Rod Bolam
and Ann Price edged ahead of Will Rozier and Clare Turnstill to win
21 - 16. But, judging from the photograph (below), Rod
was worked pretty hard by the opposition. Also pictured are the runners up, Clare & Will.
Darts was off the list of games provided - perhaps the Landlord
had seen some club members play and decided they were an Health
& Safety hazard. Nevertheless, five teams of seven people
moved round the room, indulging in Table Skittles, Shove Ha'penny,
Bagatelle (with a genuine stick to flick the balls - none of this
modern spring-loaded plunger nonsense), Tiddlywinks and the Skittle

There was the half-time buffet and the full-time raffle, where
Vernon managed to win back his own prize donation of a badminton
racket. Sportingly, he left it in the prize pool and it
was next won by Jenny. Jenny, temporarily unable to play,
auctioned it off, netting another £20 for club funds.

It doesn't really matter who were the overall winners of the games,
this being a social/fund raising night, but for the record, the
Double Faulters were first, and Patrick had the highest individual
score (788).

Obviously, these evenings don't organise themselves, so thanks are
due to Graham & Debbie Baker, Linda, and the many who provided
the games and the raffle prizes.
The Treasurer has tried to explain to me this year's tournament
format, but without much success. However it seems that Hilary was
the highest scoring lady. William, given the honorary status of a
lady called Jane, came second. Top scoring man was Paul, with
Graham Munday second. The final match consisted of Paul & Jane
versus Graham & Hilary, which was won by Paul & Jane. I
understand that Jane reverted to William before celebrations got
out of hand.
A table at this event was organised by Graham Baker.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend, so I cannot report any
Amongst other items on the agenda, subscriptions and club night
dates were agreed. The good news is that subscriptions and match
fees will be unchanged for the 2011/2012 season. Club night venue
and times are also unchanged; dates are 7th September - 14th
December 2011 and 4th January - 28th March 2012.
There were no nominations for election, so the current Members
and Officers have agreed to continue in post. A further committee
meeting will be held on 19th July - if you have any issues for
discussion, please contact a Member.