Wednesday 21st September
Sports Republic Open Evening and
Club Tournament
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Open Evening
was postponed.
Also, the club tournament did not take place either. But there
was an encouraging turnout after a quiet start to the season, and a
good number of games were played.
Friday 4th November
Big Quiz Night
Before the event, there was much speculation that the Quiz
Master might be Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, or Chris 'Millionaire'
Tarrant, or Jeremy 'Eggheads' Vine. But on the night, who was in
the Chair? None other than our very own Graham Munday with (as you
can see below) his
glamorous assistant, Mrs Munday.

There was a good turnout of 30+ members and guests who divided
into six teams and bravely battled through the initial rounds.
After the excellent half-time meal, the questions got harder, but
eventually, results were announced; We thought it was Bingo
came third with 96 points and Woodpeckers just nudged ahead
with 98 points. The winners were a bunch of showoffs called Sidford
Mix with 113 points.
However, the important number is the £180 (approximately) that
the event raised for the club, helped by the generous donation of
prizes for the raffle.
Wednesday 14th December
Christmas Knockout Tournament
A useful number of members were present, ensuring a jocular
evening for the last club night before Christmas. Pairs were
divided into two round-robin groups, and the winners of each group
then played in the final. The handicap system meant Ruth &
David beat Ann & Chris 21 - 10 in an otherwise close match.
Father Christmas was busy in Lapland, so his officially appointed
representative, Graham Baker, dispensed presents to the players
from his capacious container.
Saturday 25th February
Pub Games Evening
Six teams, six games. The daft, but highly enjoyable and oddly
difficult challenges at the Blue Ball Inn included Table Skittles,
Marbles, Dice, Bagatelle, Shove Ha'penny and Tiddlewinks. When the
points were added up, the impressive Sexy Seniors were just nudged
out of first place by the Sidford Hopefuls.

Over thirty entry fees were collected, and a vast number of
raffle tickets were sold. This raised around £135 for club funds,
helped by the generous donation of raffle prizes by club members.

Ann Povall proposed a vote of thanks for Graham, Debbie, Linda
and others whose efforts made the evening a success, and this was
enthusiastically seconded by those present.
Over 20 players turned up for the last club night of the season,
enjoying a mixed pairs Round Robin handicap tournament.
Y'know over 50's disco nights? No? Me neither. But I'm
told there are more women than men at those socials, so you get two
ladies dancing, one pretending to be a chap.
Tournament night was the reverse, i.e. a shortage of women, so
male pairs, presumably, made some arrangement between
themselves. Anyway, the eventual winners of this jovial
evening were Linda & Luke.
Saturday 28th April
League Presentation Evening
The 2012 Exeter & District League Presentation Evening will
be at The Isca Centre,
starting at 7.30pm. See Graham or Linda for seating
This year, the AGM will be held at Sidford Tennis Club - the
meeting will be called to order at 7.30pm. All Members are
encouraged to attend. Please raise any agenda items with Linda
before the 22nd of May.