The first club night started a week earlier than in previous years. About sixteen players turned up which included a good number of visitors.
Thoughts now turn to forming teams for the Exeter & District Badminton League matches. If you would like to play in a team, contact our Match Secretary Grace. See her at a club night or e-mail
Reminder - match players must be club members, so join by filling in the application form.
Nineteen members and their guests were booked in for the skittles evening. But nineteen is a prime number so, in one way it was fortunate that there was one player short. Divided into three teams of six, designated Yellow, Green and Blue, balls started rattling down the alley and in some cases, skittles fell over. Blue took an early lead, but action stopped when the buffet was served.
A fine mix of delicacies from the Indian sub-continent, quiche and chips was moved from plate to stomach in typical Sidmouth style. Play restarted with Green taking a narrow lead and on the last ball, Blue needed to knock down all nine skittles to win. Did they? No they didn't. Its all down to pressure, y'know. Chairman Rod thanked everyone for turning up and reminded all that there is a quiz night planned for next year. He also thanked the skittles night organisers Grace, Linda and Hilary.
A reasonable number of members turned out on the Wednesday before
Christmas for the Tournament. The traditional plastic bags were out for
the evening as members battled towards the Final. This was a close match between the pair
of Rod & Ryan who collected 19 points against Graham & Irene,
the winners with 21. Rod put a brave face on it as he handed out
presents to the winners.
Thanks are due to Mo who organised the contest and Linda who dished out presents from Santa's Secret sack.
Despite the short notice, there was a good turnout of over thirty members and guests for the quiz night at the Sidmouth Golf Club. The chicken curry had mysteriously turned into chicken casserole but was very edible all the same.
In the picture round was a photo of a singer/guitarist with the
question 'what was his 2018 number one hit'. Having decided the picture
was of Ed Sheeran, the answer emerged as 'Perfect'. Ed milked this
number by also performing duets with Beyoncé
and Andrea Bocelli. Now, as I type this, the Sheeran/Bocelli 'Perfect
Symphony' version is playing on Desert
Island Discs. Creepy, eh.
the more esoteric questions was 'In the personal columns, what does
the abbreviation MBL mean?' Most of the room was baffled, but someone
realised it meant 'Married But Looking'. It must have been an
interesting journey home as their partner wondered how the person knew
temporary imagination bypass had settled on the room so team names
were out and table numbers were in. There wasn't much to separate the
scores, but Table eight just beat Table nine.
traditional raffle was drawn and Chairman Rod brought proceedings to a
close by thanking Mo and Linda for organising the event.
The tournament featured, as in tournaments past, black bags draped over the net to sharpen up reactions to suddenly appearing shuttlecocks.
Youngish Mo (right) played with one of our younger members Owen (next to Mo), while Helen, another young player, was paired with Owen's younger brother Ryan. That's a lot of 'youngs' in one sentence.
Experience just had the
edge over youth as Mo and Owen beat Helen and Ryan in the final.
This was at Exeter City Football Club. I didn't go, but as there were no incidents reported in the local news, I assume those who did attend to collect their trophies behaved themselves tolerably well.
The AGM was at the Volunteer
Inn, Temple Street, Sidmouth. A sprinkling of members turned up to
watch and participate in the proceedings. Amongst other things decided
were the 2019/2020 season dates, which are September 4th to December
18th 2019 and January 8th to 1st April 2020. These dates are
provisional until Sports Hall availability is confirmed.