It was a quiet start to the season with about twelve players turning up. Refreshingly, there was little discussion about Brexit.
Difficulties arranging this meant it didn't run.
It took place and, rumour has it, it was enjoyed by the participants.
I blame the demon drink. Who was it in 1856, perhaps propping up the bar at the Royal Geographical Society, said to John Speke 'Here's a whizzo scheme, go to Africa and spend years finding source of the Nile'. This eventually lead to the quiz question: 'The Nile starts in which country?'
And what sort of night was it at the King's Head in Roehampton when a bunch of students from the college up the road discussed (to put it bluntly) farting? Anyway, how do you count the number of times the average termite unleashes a ripe one?
was the range of questions fired by quiz inquisitor Mo as the 31 members
and guests divided themselves into 7 teams for the Quiz. It was held in
the spacious and comfortable surroundings of the Sidmouth Golf Club,
where an impressive and substantial ploughmans supper was served at
half-time. This was followed by the raffle, called by Chairman Rod.
At the end of the evening, the quiz results were close. The Organisers came third with 91, second were the Spectaculars with 95½, and The Froebels topped out with 97. The name Froebels comes from the college the team members had attended. (They correctly put down 'Termites' as one of their answers. See what I did there in the second paragraph?)
Rod rounded off the evening by thanking Mo, Grace and Linda for
organising the event. An excellent evening was had by all.
Cancelled due to Covid-19
Cancelled due to Covid-19